
Koza includes a mock_koza fixture (see src/koza/utils/testing_utils) that can be used to test your ingest configuration. This fixture accepts the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
Required Arguments
name str The name of the ingest
data Union[Dict, List[Dict]] The data to be ingested
transform_code str Path to the transform code to be used
Optional Arguments
map_cache Dict Map cache to be used
filters List(str) List of filters to apply to data
global_table str Path to the global table
local_table str Path to the local table

The mock_koza fixture returns a list of entities that would be generated by the ingest configuration.
This list can then be used to test the output based on the transform script.

Here is an example of how to use the mock_koza fixture to test an ingest configuration:

import pytest

from koza.utils.testing_utils import mock_koza

# Define the source name and transform script path
INGEST_NAME = "your_ingest_name"
TRANSFORM_SCRIPT = "./src/{{cookiecutter.__project_slug}}/transform.py"

# Define an example row to test (as a dictionary)
def example_row():
    return {
        "example_column_1": "entity_1",
        "example_column_2": "entity_6",
        "example_column_3": "biolink:related_to",

# Or a list of rows
def example_list_of_rows():
    return [
            "example_column_1": "entity_1",
            "example_column_2": "entity_6",
            "example_column_3": "biolink:related_to",
            "example_column_1": "entity_2",
            "example_column_2": "entity_7",
            "example_column_3": "biolink:related_to",

# Define the mock koza transform
def mock_transform(mock_koza, example_row):
    return mock_koza(

# Or for multiple rows
def mock_transform_multiple_rows(mock_koza, example_list_of_rows):
    return mock_koza(

# Test the output of the transform

def test_single_row(mock_transform):
    assert len(mock_transform) == 1
    entity = mock_transform[0]
    assert entity
    assert entity.subject == "entity_1"

def test_multiple_rows(mock_transform_multiple_rows):
    assert len(mock_transform_multiple_rows) == 2
    entity_1 = mock_transform_multiple_rows[0]
    entity_2 = mock_transform_multiple_rows[1]
    assert entity_1.subject == "entity_1"
    assert entity_2.subject == "entity_2"